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The Knowledge Society by APJ Abdul Kalam Short Summary

Ignited Minds contains "The Knowledge Society," Dr. Abdul Kalam says we must rediscover ancient India's knowledge. According to the author, invasions weakened Indian society.

Knowledge can be gained through schooling, libraries, research, seminars, drawings, etc. Even simple housewives were skilled and knowledgeable. Our heritage and rituals reflect our country's vast knowledge. Indian oceans, bio reserves, and villages contain various forms of knowledge.

Knowledge leads to national prosperity. Enhancing and using knowledge in various fields helps a nation develop. Knowledge and wealth generation must improve society. The government's TIFAC team has identified core areas that will help build a better society. IT, Biotech, Weather forecasting, Disaster Management, and Tele-education need attention. 

The Planning Commission is creating a knowledge society road map. Steering Committee Chairman was Dr Abdul Kalam. Dr Abdul Kalam says creating young dynamic leaders is key. Our nation must become a knowledge superpower. Dr Abdul Kalam says protecting acquired knowledge is also difficult.



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