Proverbs are well-known sayings that offer life and behaviour advice, such as "Honesty is the best policy" and "All that glitters is not gold." Simple proverbs have deep meaning. They're short but full of wisdom. Metaphors are common in proverbs. Metaphors compare two dissimilar things without using the words 'like' or 'as' Proverbial sayings often use irony or words with opposite meanings.
Proverb expansion is a worthwhile writing assignment. It involves understanding a proverb's meaning, implication, and relevance. To expand a proverb, explain its meaning and significance by using reasoning and real-life examples to convey its truth and wisdom. 1) Unity of thought; 2) Order; 3) Coherence; 4) Variety; 5) Expansion.
Haste makes waste (or) Slow and steady wins the race.
We should be careful when working. No hurrying! We should work slowly to improve. When climbing a tree or hill, be careful. We'll fall if we're careless or hurried. The 'hare and tortoise' story from childhood teaches us this. The tortoise in the story moves slowly. It's confident. The overconfident, lazy hare loses the race. A student who starts reading early can easily pass the exam and get good grades. Students who read quickly before exams may fail. To achieve our goals in life, we must work continuously and carefully.
Strike while the iron is hot. (Or) Make hay while the sun shines
The proverb advises us to seize opportunities quickly. Hay is straw-dry grass. Cattle must store it. While the Sun is out, we must dry grass and make hay for the future. Once lost, we can't dry grass in winter or rainy weather. We can bend hot iron into any shape by striking it. Cooled metal is unbending. These examples show that we should take advantage of good opportunities. We can't get this chance back. We must observe bees that store honey, ants that gather food, etc. The student must study hard in school or college. If he neglects his studies, he won't get better results and won't have another chance to prove himself. So, we must make the most of our time and opportunities and act appropriately.
Honesty is the best policy
Truthfulness in thought, speech, and action is honesty. Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, etc. were great because of their honesty. Honest people are respected throughout history. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Anna Hazare, etc. are honoured for their honesty, not their wealth and power. Dishonest men, no matter how rich, are not respected. Honesty helps face challenges. Straight and fair, honest people can achieve great things. Cowards are dishonest. Always using unfair or corrupt means. Life fails them. A dishonest student who cheats will fail in life. After death, honest people are remembered. Untrustworthy people are hated even in life. Honesty is the most important lifelong policy.
All that glitters is not gold
People value appearances. But appearances can be deceiving. Gold is a shiny precious metal. Other metals may shine, but they aren't as valuable as gold. All that glitters isn't gold. Appearances deceive. An innocent-looking person may be cruel. A dress that overshines may be cheap. To assess a person or thing's worth, we must know their inner quality. External attraction must be avoided.
A Stitch in time saves nine
This proverb emphasises timing. When we notice a flaw or mistake, we must fix it immediately. Otherwise, the problem grows unmanageable. By being careful, we can avoid major dangers. If a shirt is torn, we must stitch it immediately. Otherwise, the tear can't be repaired. Any illness or disease symptoms need attention. Otherwise, diseases can kill. Similarly, a child or student should correct any defects or bad qualities immediately; otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of them later.
Necessity is the mother of invention
Proverb: Need forces us to think actively. Brains can solve problems. When needed, we use them. This creates something new. Most scientific inventions are answers to urgent needs. Needing food, primitive man-fashioned hunting weapons. He invented the steamboat and electric motor to travel the world. Most medicines are developed to treat deadly diseases. Need inspires invention.
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