What story does the poem Ecology tell us?
Answer: A.K. Ramanujan's poem "Ecology" is about the disagreements in viewpoints that exist between the people of the poet's mother's generation and those of the newer generation (poet himself). The poem demonstrates how deeply old people are connected to the natural world. They have a great deal of love and respect for her, despite the fact that she is the cause of their illness.
What is the color of the pollen’s in the poem Ecology?
Answer: The pollens are yellow in. colour
Why does the speaker come home in a rage in the poem Ecology?
Answer: A.K. Ramanujan has a deep and abiding love for his mother. Because of the severe headache that the flowers of the Red Champak tree gave to his mother, he is very irate about the situation. Even the breeze that blows through his house is not enough to protect her from the harmful effects of the pollen that is carried on the flowers. He makes the decision to prune the tree.
Why does the poet say walls had ears and eyes in the poem ecology?
Answer: The poet wrote that his home's walls had ears and eyes, scales, smells, bone-creaks, nightly, visiting voices, and were porous like humans. He also claimed that the walls had scales. When the poet's mother hears the news that he is going to cut down the trees, she breaks out in a cold sweat and experiences severe pain from a migraine. This causes the poet's mother to feel rage and anger.
Who wrote the poem Ecology?
Answer: AK Ramanujan wrote the poem Ecology.
How does the poet portray his mother’s love for the Champak trees in Ecology?
Answer: The mother of the poet has a deep affection and regard for the champak trees that are located in her backyard. They had been there as long as she could remember, and they would give a basketful of flowers to the family's female members so that they could present them to their deities.
However, the scent of the flowers caused her to experience severe headaches, and as a result, her children have decided to prune the flowers. As soon as she finds out about this, she flies into a rage and begins to vehemently object to her children's behaviour.
The poet implies that his mother is becoming a powerful spokesperson for the protection of nature and her trees as a result of her love for the trees, even though she is unaware of this development. And the poet himself is a representation of the educated modern man who lives a luxurious lifestyle but neglects his responsibilities to nature.
How does the mother symbolise a traditional reverent attitude towards nature in the poem Ecology?
Answer: The mother exhibits a disposition that is one of reverence and concern for life as well as the natural world in the poem "Ecology." She discovers mystical qualities within the tree. Because of this, she continues to suffer the pain that is caused by the pollens.
Discuss the two opposing views on nature as depicted in the poem "Ecology".
Answer: Two opposing views in the poem "Ecology are: Protection of Champak tree by poet's mother & cutting of tree by poet (her son).
Write a note on character sketch of mother in the poem ecology
Answer: The poem "Ecology" is about a son's love for her mother as well as a mother's love towards the nature, and the author has presented this in a way that is in some way contradictory to the subject matter. The reason for this is that the mother suffered from severe migraines because of a tree that was nearby. Now, the son wants to cut down the tree out of love for his mother; however, the mother did not give permission for him to do so because it would be harmful to the tree and to nature in general.
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